Sunday, July 12, 2009


I'm gonna have to make this one kinda short. So today I got my ACU's! Finally! Got my hearing checked, got a mouth guard, got my military pictures. Then I stood at attention a lot and sat on a bench/benches with a bunch of dudes, and was bored as hell! I was supposed to get my shots but they closed so I have to get them tomorrow. Tomorrow I will get my military ID, dog tags, shots, and do more boring shit. I really want to get to Basic aka... HELL! Because I know time will fly and I won't be bored. Today I found out that as a 21B I carry a M4 MWS. Look it up, it's bad ass!! Only 21B & MP's get them! ACU's suck but it's way better than PT's, short shorts! And I can carry pictures cause I have pockets now. :-) Oh ya, I got ear plugs today also. But all in all today was gay because the DS must not have gotten laid last night because today they were extra extra ASSHOLES!! I'm so glad I got ear plugs cause now I can sleep with these loud faggots talking all night! Well I'm tired as hell so I'm going to bed, it's 2200. Love you all & can't wait to see you.

Today has been pretty shitty! The only good thing is I found out my platoon for basic is Echo 35 which is the easiest basic for 21B. But still hard! This morning the DS's said people leaving for basic today and people who got here yesterday get up and everybody else go to bed. So we did. Then 30 minutes later they said WTF! Why aren't you all up? You have 1 minute! So we were all late and got smoked for it. So they screwed us. lol We went to chow then to the main foyer...a big room with bench's where we always are. Sat there forever waiting for PAP's which is when you get all your paperwork figured out. I found out that I get a $15K sign-up bonus and my DEP went to my GI Bill/College Fund. So instead of having $52K for my GI Bill I now have $80K. So, I waited in line to get an x-ray from dental forever! When I got to the door the DS made me and other soldiers leave to go get our shots. I walked down the line where there were these two ladies on both sides. First stop I got one shot and the second stop I got two. So not to bad. They didn't hurt until after I got them. Then theh penicillin the the butt shot! Which I have heard is the worst! We went in and they handed everybody a shot with thick white shit in it and it was cold. I had to warm it up because it hurts really bad if its cold. So I kept squeezing it in both hands until it got warm. Then we had to pull our shirts over our heads, bend over and wait for them to come give the shot. It was the worst shot I have ever had! Then I got a pail because I was going to puke so I had to sit against the wall. Two guys talked so they had to sit in invisible chairs (squat) until I felt better. When I felt better they made me stay down so the guys would have to stay squatting. The shot didn't hurt but when they injected the penicillin it did! Then after it hurt like hell, it still hurts! And it's 2200. Then I got back in line for the x-ray, when I got the front almost to the x-ray, the DS made us leave again to go to chow. So I was pissed & my butt hurt. lol. So I ate chow then went back to the x-ray. The line was twice as long as the first two times which pissed me off. So I waited, standing there without talking or at least 2 hours! I finally got in the door and got two people behind getting the x-ray, I had the jacket thing on and everything! And they said they were FUCKING CLOSING!!! So I have to go back and do that shit in the morning! So then I went to the main foyer, got my dog tags which you can barely read, and my military ID which says I'm an E-1!! Then some asshole kept talking so everybody had to stand at attention, hold our soldiers handbooks far over our heads and read them for almost an hour. My arms felt like they were gonna fall off. After that we went to chow. After chow we got our cell phones back but they are in an envelope and if we open them we get some punishment under the UCMJ and have to stay at this hellhole for 45 days! So I'm writing! lol Then we got in our platoons for Basic so we know who we are going with and went to the barracks to pack our shit. Which is a lot! After packing we had a hydration formation and then had to go to bed. But as I was writing this letter some assholes were screwing around instead of sleeping and the DS came in. So we got smoked!! I hate some of these mother fuckers. lol But that's it. :-) Some people got letters today!! I didn't know we could...but it's ok I only have one more day left of processing so I'm not worried about it. I'm really excited to get out of here and go to hell. lol Then I can start counting down the days till I see you! I can't wait! When I give you my address I need more pictures! But I love you all so much and pray for you all every night! I'll write more tomorrow hopefully! I really don't know how the day will turn out. Love you all, Sean

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