Thursday, July 9, 2009


Today was very boring! It is a holiday tomorrow so there is no processing today! Yay! Wrong! We woke up, got in formation then went to chow. I had eggs and sausage. It was nasty as hell but I added them together and added syrup and its was....I guess ok. After chow we went to the main part of the building and sat on benches, four to a bench...ass crack to ass crack! Then the Drill Sergeant answered questions we had about anything and talked about some other shit. Then we got to watch the movie 300 which was tight. After the movie we had to study our soldiers handbook. We did that without talking (or we would get in trouble) until lunch, 12:15. I had fish, rice and chocolate milk. After lunch we went back to the room and sat on the benches. We studied the soldiers handbook MORE! Then we got bitched at somemore for talking. The DS told us a story called the soldier and the professor. A soldier who served in the Army went to college. An athiest professor came in and said if there is a god he will knock me off this podium in 15 minutes. The class waited and 14 minutes later the soldier walked up and knocked the teacher out. When the teacher woke up he said "What the hell is your problem?!" The soldier said "God is too busy protecting soldiers fighting for freedom for unbelieving assholes like you!" I thought that was funny. After that we studied the handbook more until 17:30. Forever! Then ate pizza (not the best), noodles, corn and salad for dinner. Then went to the barracks. We had to get in formation again to hydrate which was stupid! And somebody spit on the ground so the DS made him pick it up and put it in the grass...HA HA Dumb Ass!!! Then I took a shower and started writing letters, which is now. Anyways, I miss you all a lot. Time goes by so slow here. And it's freaking humid as hell! I can't wait to finish this crap so I can come home and see you all and my other half. :-) I have to wear spandex underwear now and for PT tests because if my dick falls out while I'm doing sit-ups and a female see's I can get chaptered out! Retarded! Males have to stay at least 5 feet away from females and if we talk we get in trouble because it could be flirting. But I don't care cause there is only one girl I want to flirt with! I hope tomorrow doesn't suck. I know we are waking up and doing PT. Probably wake up at 0500. I am excited to watch fireworks tomorrow. There are so many firework places around base. There was a store that said the biggest firework store in the US and it was an actual store. And it was huge! It's kinda hard to write with my flashlight cause there is nowhere to hang it. I am so glad I brought pictures! They keep me sane. Fuck...I just found out I have fireguard from 2300-2400. That means maybe five hours of sleep! Dad, I now know how you feel. LOL. The DS's here are dicks or complete bitches. There is a corporal who was a dick at first but now he is tight. He tells everybody the tricks to not get into trouble. I have only got yelled at once and that was the first day. And she was a bitch! Two girls got in trouble today and one mouthed off to the female DS...Bad idea! But it was funny watching them get smoked for 20 minutes! Like...BAD! They had to do so many push-ups and if they made any noise they had to start ver. Including breathing hard! Ha Ha! Well I am going to go cause I have fire guard :-( I'll write you tomorrow and give you the details. Love you all and pet my weiner for me :-) .

So today we woke up, went to chow, then went and did PT. After PT we went and showered, then got to watch movies. We watched Braveheart and some of Independance Day. It was a long ass time to sit there and not talk. After the movies and eating chow we went to the fireworks show. It was really cool because we actually had freedom for two hours. I ate food and a icy drink thing and a AMP! :-) The fireworks were crazy! But there are these bugs called chiggers which are super tiny and they dig in your skin and live in it...they itch like a mother fucker! It's weird here because there is grass but the dirt is like a dry lake bed. And the grass is like the raxor grass on the beach. Oh and there's lightening bugs!! They are awesome! Well I feel like bitching right now so, I got a bloody nose in the shower, got smoked because dumb ass people don't know the meaning of shut the fuck up, and it's 0004 (1:04 AM) and the lights are on because somebody stole someones flash light and they are pissed off, walking around looking for it...and I have TP in my nose cause it won't stop bleeding. Well I'm going to bed cause I'm tired so I will write tomorrow. Oh ya, and everybody I talked to today said I'm screwed because basic for 21B is hard as hell. But I love you all so much and can't wait to see you all.

Well today has been nice. Ate food, slept and wrote letters. I love Sundays! By the way, they nicknamed me Hutch. Well we did get smoked once because we had an inspection and everybody was fucking around, and some dumb ass called the company commander a captain after she was done yelling at him for moving around at attention. Not so good! And our bay leader was sleeping when they came in and the DS woke him up, screaming at him. So now we have a new one. lol Tomorrow we have to get our shots! A penicillin shot in the butt. And the weird guy next to me is allergic to penicillin so they are gonna give him a supository! HA HA! A lubed big ass pill up the butt! There is a guy here with three fingers! Crazy that they let him into the Army. And there's a guy with eyebrows that are weird as hell. Since he is bald he looks funny. But he hates me. I call him "brows" and laugh like hell when I see him. I can't even help it he's just so funny looking! I would pluck that shit! I hope I get my ACU's tomorrow because I'm tired of PT's, the suck and I look dumb. lol We have to get up at a quarter to five tomorrow. We have a lot of stuff to do. Well I'm going to bed and I will write tomorrow. Love you all so much. Can't wait to see you.

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